Global Task Force on Third Country Education Pathways
The Hubs are firmly positioned OSUN as a global player in terms of education for displaced populations. Because of the work of the Hubs, OSUN has twice been elected as the co-chair of the Global Task Force on Third Country Education Pathways and continues to play an active role in setting direction of the 15x30 strategy by leading in the drafting of key multi-stakeholder documents and the implementation of programming in collaboration with global partners. In 2022 alone, the Hubs led in the drafting of the Third Country Solutions for Refugees: Roadmap 2023; led the “Overseas & Program Infrastructure” drafting group for the US Pathways Initiative recommendation to the Bureau of Population, Refugees, Migration; collaborated with UNHCR on a panel for the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference related to the bridging programs and the Hubs key role in the space; acted as the only university network to be on a high profile panel at the Annual Tripartite conference on resettlement; and contributed significantly to drafting the UNHCR Tertiary Task Force Team’s Global Refugee Forum pledge. The Hubs have been asked to represent OSUN in the soon-to-launch UNHCR-founded Interagency “Global Leaders” Circle alongside the World Bank, USAID, Education Above All and Times Higher Education.